Weight gain is often more common in MS than normal weight loss, yet muscle wasting and even weight loss can occur simultaneously. It is often difficult to determine the cause of the muscle loss. There may be many different reasons, including bone loss or weakness. Muscle wasting or weakness occurs when muscles do not receive the proper nutrients needed to maintain good health. You may think that exercise is only for those who're looking to drop pounds but exercising and eating right can both be beneficial to those with MS who's losing weight without wanting too. Weight loss and muscle loss are very common in MS and it is possible to prevent these conditions by making small changes.

Your physician will be able to determine if you have a weight problem and prescribe appropriate treatments. However, you may not be encouraged to make drastic changes to your diet and exercise routines. If you've been advised that you must stick to your present diet and exercise routines, see if you can adjust the recommended amount of activity. For some people this isn't easy because they're used to being active. If you aren't used to being inactive, adjusting to a new routine can be difficult.
The great news is that the body responds to regular exercise with enthusiasm. Muscle fatigue does not happen overnight, so don't let it become a shock if your muscles aren't the type you were used to using. With repetition on the exercises, they'll strengthen and grow stronger. In time, you will need less assistance to carry out daily functions because your body will be stronger and healthier.
You can also use weight-loss supplements and vitamins to assist with muscle repair after exercise. If you want to gain muscle back after losing a great deal of weight, then these products can help. They're available without a prescription, and they have been shown to support weight-loss goals. They should be used in conjunction with a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity.
Another area that can be affected by muscle damage is the colon. There is evidence that suggests that poor diet and improper colon hygiene can lead to weight regain. Colon cleansing is quite common nowadays, and many people choose to do it at home. It's easy to perform and doesn't require too much expense. There is no reason why you can't improve your health and lose weight at the same time. If you eat right and exercise regularly, the benefits will be long term.
Once you have cleared your colon, start by exercising regularly. Start slowly, doing only enough to feel comfortable. Increase the intensity of your exercises over time, as resistance training produces muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn, even when at rest.
Diet supplements can help as well. Just as with the exercises that you perform, you want to select products that are natural, such as green tea. This supplement has a lot of benefits, including helping you lose weight and reducing the risk of heart disease. Don't take this for another purpose, though. Use it in addition to your diet and exercise routine.
You have worked hard to get to the place you are today, so don't sabotage yourself. Take charge and make your goals happen. You deserve it. You look in the mirror and know you look younger, stronger and healthier than you ever thought possible. Now it's time to let others see the results of your hard work!
Remember to eat right and exercise. There is no magic pill to losing weight and keeping it off. But a healthy lifestyle does have many positive effects. A healthy body is less likely to develop conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, which can be very serious and even deadly.
Find a method you are comfortable with and stick with it. If it works for you, then keep doing it. If not, try another strategy. Changing your routine is very important to controlling your weight.
MS weight loss doesn't have to be overwhelming. With the information available, it's easy to see how and why losing weight can be fun and successful. You may just find that this new level of health will bring you much peace of mind and improve the quality of your life.
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