Best Healthful Meals Tips You Will Read This Year: Beethoven and Svelte Girl Diet Pills

Friday, June 4, 2021

Beethoven and Svelte Girl Diet Pills

Brooks and Bethel have recently come out with a new product in the form of Brooks and Bethel Austria' Svelte Girl Leanest Body Cream. The product is a body lotion that is supposed to help reduce your weight as quickly as possible. Many users of the product have reported great results however there is no clinical proof to back up the claims. I decided to do some more research on this product myself and here is what I found.

Brooks and Bethel are manufacturers of an over-the-counter weight loss product known as Lean House. The product was introduced a little while ago and is already starting to sell online. Brooks and Bethel are also the manufacturers of another high-end diet pill, the Atkins diet pill. The Atkins diet pill contains three ingredients: Ephedra, androstenedione, and estrogenic acid. All of these ingredients can be found in Brooks and Bethel Austria' Svelte Girl Leanest Body Cream.

According to the internet ingredient label, Brooks and Bethel Austria' Svelte Girl Leanest Body Cream contains the following ingredients: Aminophylline, Cantharis, Cantharidin, Ephedra, and Glycogone. According to the ingredient label, Aminophylline is "an amino acid that has been shown to increase fat metabolism and to improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity." According to the web-based journal Nature's Biotics, Aminophylline is "also used to treat depression and anxiety, and is thought to work in a similar way to those medicines." According to the Atkins diet pill's manufacturer, "Cantharis", also found in the Brooks and Bethel Austria' Svelte Girl Leaner Body Cream, "has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may have an impact on the development of cancer." According to the journal Diet & Health, "Erectinol", found in Brooks and Bethel's Svelte Girl Leaner Body Cream, "is an appetite suppressant and was originally used to treat high cholesterol and hypertension."

According to the ingredient label, the main chemical components of Brooks and Bethel's Svelte Girl Leaner Body Cream are "stearic acid (or carotenoid), swearing, and ergosterol." Stearic acid is "a fatty acid that is prevalent in many plant species such as salmon, beef, goat, and duck. It is considered by many to be an innocuous substance, but is known to have cardioprotective effects." Stearine is "an amino acid that is found in egg yolks, liver, heart, brain, kidney, and other tissues. It has been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels and has been used for years to treat angina, coronary artery disease, and bronchial artery disease."

The ingredient label for the Svelte Girl Supplement claims it is "a clinically proven herbal combination of vitamins, minerals and herbs to help with weight loss and energy." Is it really that easy to decipher? How many companies' product labels contain disclaimers such as, "for a better result, substitute with our formula"? The Bethel Company's website says, "Our products are made from only the best ingredients, and our formulation enhances the nutrient value of foods or drinks without the addition of extra calories, carbohydrates, or fat." Sounds pretty safe, doesn't it?

If the ingredients of the Svelte Girl weight loss pill really were safe, then wouldn't everyone be using it? Unfortunately, we can't make a definitive statement about the safety of any type. The problem is that many manufacturers don't follow strict manufacturing guidelines when they create a food, beverage or skin care product. In this case, the "safe" products are really not safe at all. In this case, the Svelte Girl may not only be a scam; it may also be dangerous for you.

I think most people would be surprised to find out that the Bethel Company's website does not list any kind of health related data for their diet supplement. The only thing they provide is a list of the product's ingredients, which include" Garcinia Cambogia extract, Yerba mate (extract), Green tea extract, L-ornithine HCL, DMAE, guggulipid, bitter orange (extract), resveratrol, lycopene, resveratrol capsules, bitter orange extract". Now, if these products truly were effective in weight loss, then the ingredients would be included. Unfortunately, we can't look at the ingredient list for Bethel Bernardie's Weight Loss Pill because it doesn't list any of its ingredients. If the product is all it's cracked up to be, then it may not work at all! Svelte Girl is not an exception to this rule.

The manufacturers of Svelte Girl are aware of the fact that millions of women have tried and failed with diet pills. Their sales pitch is designed around this fact, and while it might sound like a good idea, it could very well turn off women who need help losing weight. Bethel Bernardie's Weight Loss Pill is another example. In addition to the fact that there is no health data to support the claims of effectiveness, there is also no FDA safety data available for the product. In other words, for most women, this could be a red flag!

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